Buy Thinking About Therapy at iUniverse.comThinking About Therapy? What to Expect from "The Talking Cure"

A former therapy client shares her experience and insights about the process of psychotherapy.

Thinking About Therapy is a clearly-written, thoughtful and practical guide. If you are looking for a therapist or want to understand better how to participate successfully in psychotherapy or psychoanalysis, this is the book to read first.”
—HEATHER CRAIGE, MSW, former Chair of the NC Psychoanalytic Foundation

For most people, just thinking about going for professional help can be both anxiety-provoking and intimidating. How do you know if you need to go? What will be expected of you?


Thinking About Therapy provides straightforward answers to over 100 questions about psychotherapy. It’s like having a supportive friend to guide you through the process. Based on my own experience with therapy, it lays out a step-by-step plan for success in therapy in an easy-to-read style. The book is meant for people considering therapy themselves, or for people who want to know more about it for a friend or family member.

Therapy helps people to get to the root of their emotional problems. It frees up more of their energy to devote to their true passions, whatever they might be.  Over the years I’ve come to know many therapists. I have a great deal of respect for them, and for the clients who put aside their fears and brave therapy in order to fix their lives.

It is my sincere hope that Thinking About Therapy will encourage those in need of professional help to try therapy.

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